Technical Translations

We constantly translate operating instructions and installation guides for well-known companies that operate in fields such as information technology, the vehicle and construction industry, environmental technology and consumer electronics.
There are countless fields of technology. For example, Notaatio has lots of experience translating in the following fields: motor vehicles, the construction industry, information technology (hardware and software), consumer electronics, medicine and environmental technology. We have translated numerous operating instructions and installation guides for globally renowned companies and domestic SMEs alike.

We have access to dictionaries/glossaries in many different fields. We are also efficient in searching for information (nowadays mainly on the Web). Nevertheless, we must sometimes ask for help from the author/supplier of the text. It would be desirable if the client could, when making the translation request, provide any supporting material, such as company-specific glossaries and websites with additional information.

The style of technical texts is logical and concise which makes them especially suitable for processing with translation memory programs. We use software tools to analyse the documents to be translated in order to be able to give the client the full benefit of repeated text.

Good to Know

Official translator = Authorised translator

An authorised translator is a translation expert who is authorised to provide translations that are legally valid in the target language. The title “authorised translator” came into use in 2008. Previously, the corresponding title was originally “sworn translator” and later “official translator”. Authorisation always applies to a specific pair and sequence of languages (one of the languages must be Finnish, Swedish or Sámi).

The title “authorized translator” is not a guarantee of the quality of translations, nor is it an indication that an authorised translator would in any way excel over another translator without such a title. The vast majority of translation jobs do not require an authorised translator. The purpose of the text will determine whether the translation ought to be validated by an authorised translator. In general, authorisation may be necessary for translated documents required by the public administration of another country, such as certificates for a work/residence permit or studies abroad.

Upon request, an authorised translator’s title can be awarded to a translator who passes the Authorised Translators’ Examination. Such examinations are arranged by the Authorised Translators’ Examination Board supervised by the Finnish National Agency for Education. The examination, which consists of two translation tasks, is not a language qualification or part of a translator training system. Under certain conditions, the right to act as an authorised translator may also be awarded without passing the examination. For example, former “official translators” may apply for the authorised translator’s title without having to retake the examination.

Check this link to see how to order an authorised translation for a certificate or other document.

Finnish National Agency for Education

Confidentiality and reliability

All our translators have signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). No information or material will be disclosed to third parties or used for any purpose other than translation.

We use state-of-the-art hardware that is well-protected and equipped with automatically updated anti-virus software. If the information/documents are particularly confidential, you can send them to our database via a direct network link since email is not a completely secure transmission channel.

Any paper copies taken for translation purposes are collected in a security container managed by MTB Tietoturvapalvelu which ensures secure destruction of the material.

All the files processed by us are backed up.

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Notaatio is an experienced, fast and reliable translation agency.